You’re about to read an amazing true story of an incredibly unlikely set of circumstances that saved a friend of mine from suffering, separation and loss. So unlikely that it gives me reason to believe in an unseen hand guiding the affairs of our lives. You can have confidence in the story because I was directly involved, wrote down the details shortly after it happened, and know several others who can also verify details of what happened.
Joe[*] was deeply distressed. He had tried his hardest to be the best Christian he knew how to be, but felt that God did not accept him.
Joe was a reclusive young fellow. He’d previously been involved in dark satanic arts and rituals. He struggled with depression and anxiety. But he was most earnest.
A few years ago, Joe reached the point of despair. The Christianity he was pursuing was not working for him. He reached a very private personal crisis that only he knew about. Feeling unable to talk to anyone, he devised a plan to bring resolution. At least he hoped it would resolve his struggles.
He would leave everything he knew and go back to work in the satanic music store in another state where he had previously worked.
He left work early that afternoon, then gathered his most important possessions. He dyed his blond hair black, shaved part of his head, and put on black clothes, sunglasses and boots. He was making a definite departure from his search for light to go back to the darkness he knew. He wanted nobody to recognise him or to intervene.
He got in his car and drove to the train station near the church he had been attending. He scribbled a note to say goodbye. He left the note on the car seat, and left a loaded gun in the car boot. He grabbed his bags and caught the train to Sydney’s Central station where he would then catch the overnight train that was due to leave at 7pm.
His family noticed that he didn’t come home at the usual time so started to make some enquiries. They realised something was not right with Joe so quickly became worried. They thought perhaps he had gone to a midweek church meeting so went looking there. They found his car and saw his note.
Their hearts started racing. What had happened to their beloved Joe? The note was brief and gave no indication of whether he was leaving or … They did not want to think.
Then they opened the boot, saw the loaded weapon, and their worst fears flooded over them.
They quickly called some of Joe’s friends to try to trace him, hoping he had not harmed himself. But nobody knew anything of Joe’s movements that afternoon.
Joe had been a member of the youth group in an active and growing church, and so he had a couple of close friends with whom he sometimes socialised. These two young men embarked on a city wide search for their friend.
But it was like finding a needle in a haystack. Finding one missing person in a city of 4 million seemed futile. Joe left no clues as to where he was going or what he intended to do.
His friends and family asked the whole church to pray for Joe, that he would be protected from harm and restored back to his family.
The message to pray for Joe reached me at the University of Technology that evening. I had an evening class and was heading home a little after 7pm. I prayed silently for Joe as I was walking back to the train station to go home.
As I was hurrying through Sydney’s Central station to catch my train, I thought I recognised a vaguely familiar figure in the corner of my eye.
There was Joe, sitting on a bench on Platform 1, waiting for his interstate train.
I almost walked right past him. He was barely recognisable.
He tried to avoid my eyes. I did a double take, called his name. It was Joe alright!
He was shy, embarrassed, but most important was still alive and well! The lost needle had been found in the haystack the size of Sydney!
Joe told me of his plan to go and work at the satanic music store. I was so happy to have found him, but so sad for his desperation. I pled with him to stay with us. “We love you, Joe. God loves you.”
Joe was a little bit cautious and reserved. I assured him that his parents were really worried for him, and truly loved him. He hesitated. I continued to plead with him.
After a couple of minutes he decided not to leave Sydney. He would come back home with me! What joy and relief!
As we were leaving Platform 1 to go buy Joe a ticket to get the train back home instead, the overnight interstate train pulled onto the platform. It was half an hour late!
I went with him all the way back to his car parked near our church. On the way he showed me what he had packed in his bags. He showed me a couple of clubs covered with spikes that he had prepared to use as weapons. I was shocked but happy to have Joe back safe and sound.
I believe in a loving God who was looking out for Joe that night.
There was a board meeting at the church that evening. They were all praying for Joe. Imagine their surprise and joy to see the direct answer to their prayers.
Joe’s parents were filled with relief to see their boy back home. The whole ordeal was over in just a few hours, without the need for any emergency services.
How much worse it could have been for Joe, his family, and his friends.
Praise God for the safe and happy ending to the day’s drama.
Just think about all the things that happened that evening, and ponder with me the probability that all of this just happened by random chance.
Joe had maybe about 50 people praying for him, and just a handful actively looking for him: his family and his two mates. He was one person lost in a city of 4 million, and on his way to another city.
I had prayed for him but had no idea that he would be anywhere near me on my route home from university. I was definitely not looking for him. Joe normally lived and worked about an hour from where I was studying.
I was catching a suburban train at Central. Joe was catching an interstate train. He was already on his platform waiting for his train that arrived half an hour late. Had it been on time, or just a bit less late, our paths could not have crossed.
And what was I even doing on an interstate platform? Occasionally I did enter the station that way, but I usually went the way most people do, via the Devonshire St tunnel that links Broadway directly to the suburban train platforms.
Sometimes I would take the above ground route. And rarely, I would enter an opening in the wall at Platform 1. If you go to Central you will find this opening is usually closed. Entry is not permitted. For some reason, that evening, I went via Platform 1.

My normal route to catch my train would not normally lead me to where Joe was waiting for his train. Source: Google Maps
Even still, Central is a very busy station and Platform 1 was crowded with people waiting to board that train. The chances of me seeing Joe that evening were vanishingly slim.
It all makes sense looking back. God was in control. These were not mere random coincidences.
We have a God who loves and cares for each of us deeply. But He doesn’t force Himself on anyone. He doesn’t even provide incontrovertible evidence that He exists, because He wants people to freely choose to love Him back. But He provides enough evidence on which to solidly base our faith. This story is one such example.
As I look back in my life the evidence of His love for me and for all of humanity is overwhelming. We have an amazing God of love and grace!
[*] Not his real name
Great story Daniel. I remember it all taking place just as I arrived at “Joe’s” church. What a journey he went on over the next several years!
Hi Daniel! This is Kel. Hope you and the family are well. This story must have an outcome from what seems like a dire set of circumstances, even so, we have produced a program called Invue. It is a testimonial program and is designed to air anywhere and everywhere would it be possible you and Joe (if you still have contact with him) bei in a position to share this story sometime soon when we next tape the next series? You can call me on 0422 969 142. Blessings Kel
Hi Kel, as discussed, this interesting offer is probably unlikely to happen as I haven’t been able to keep in touch with Joe. Thanks though!
As I’ve written elsewhere on this blog, I believe freedom and independent decision-making mean that the story doesn’t need to have a particular outcome in order to demonstrate God’s love.
Great story. Truly a sure testimony for our Father’s loving care for us.
Hi Daniel. It’s truly amazing the power of pray. God loves everyone of us . He wants to protect everyone from evil.
The power of love and compassion from Him is so powerful everything is possible. We don’t understand it but God works His love and faith into us. And we pass on His Word to all. God is good.
Great story Daniel The Holy Spirit guided you right to where he was as He knew that Jesus has reserved s special place for him in heaven
May God continue to bless You and Joe